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Demonstration of an Integrated Communications & Electronic Warfare Systems Solution at IDE


Koropi, September 25th, 2024: On Wednesday, September 18th, 2024, a presentation followed by a demonstration of the Electronic Warfare Systems of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), as these have been integrated with IDE's communication systems, took place at IDE’s facilities in Koropi.

The presentation was attended by representatives of the Hellenic Army General Staff, the Hellenic Navy General Staff, and the Security Forces.

During the presentation, the operational capabilities and state-of-the-art technologies of IAI/ELTA’s ESM/ELINT tactical systems were demonstrated as they have been interconnected with IDE's high-speed wideband radios, offering an integrated solution of a mini-tactical C2 system where the synthesis of the recognized picture of the tactical field is based solely on passive sensors.

The cooperation between IDE and IAI/ELTA in the fields of Radars and Electronic Warfare will benefit the Hellenic National Defense and the Greek economy.

About IDE

INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) is a Defense Systems Company in Greece, with an outstanding record of participation in domestic programs and exports to quality-driven international customers.

IDE utilizes advanced R&D and manufacturing capabilities, large-scale project management know-how and high-end technologies in the design and development of advanced products in the areas of Missile Electronics, Tactical IP Communications, C4I Systems, Surveillance, Hybrid Electric Power Systems, and Unmanned Systems. The Company retains its international recognition through the long-standing participation in European and NATO new technology development programs, while in parallel supports the domestic defense industry through outsourcing to other qualified Hellenic companies.

Focusing on the human factor and characterized by its extroversion, reliability and quality, IDE is a key player in the high technology sector of the Hellenic Defense Industry.

For more information please visit: www.intracomdefense.com  


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