German-Hellenic Economic Forum

The German-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK e.V.) and with the support of the Federation of German Industries (BDI e.V.) are pleased to announce the organization of the “German-Hellenic Economic Forum - Vision and investment opportunities”, scheduled to take place on the 9th of March 2020 and hosted by the “Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft” in Berlin. The Forum enhances the joint effort of Greece and Germany in the area of economic cooperation, aiming to attract foreign investments.

The Forum on the 9th of March will bring together politicians, entrepreneurs and scientists from both countries and will put forward proposals for a number of targeted economic co-operation actions, such as:

  • Business Opportunities in Greece - Conditions and Best Practices
  • Financing Tools
  • Energy transition and renewable energy sources
  • Innovation and development

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