Peter Altmaier | Federal Minister for Economic Affairs & Energy

Curriculum Vitae

Since 14 March 2018 Peter Altmaier is Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy.

Previous positions:

Head of the Federal Chancellery, Federal Minister for Special Tasks and Refugee Coordinator of the German Federal Government (since 2015)

Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Chief Whip of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group

Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Interior

Parliamentary Legal Counsel of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group

Spokesman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the First Investigation Committee

Delegate of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group to the European Conventions on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and on the Constitutional Treaty

Member of the Committee on European Affairs

Member of the Committee on Legal Affairs

Education and Professional Career:

Legal studies at the Saarland University (First and Second State Exam 1985 and 1988)

Certificate in European Integration studies (1986)

Research assistant for Public and International Law at Saarland University and later at the European Institute of the Saarland University

Official of the European Commission; Secretary-General for the Administrative Commission on Social Security for Migrant Workers from 1993 to 1994

As of 2006 Peter Altmaier has been the President of the Europa-Union (German branch of the Union of European Federalists) and since the end of 2011 he took over the office as Honorary President.

Peter Altmaier was born on June 18th, 1958 in Ensdorf (State of Saarland).